Studio Florián

Bc. Oleksandra Yevchenko | Where are we going.New era of city

Bc. Oleksandra Yevchenko | Kam jdeme. Nová éra města

Our world is in the middle of drastic change, the likes of which our civilization has not experienced before.To accommodate this increasing development the City has become more important than ever before.
These trends of increasing global urbanization are clearly visible in the mapping of predominantly urban versus predominantly rural areas of the world. In a map from the year 2000, we can already see that the vast majority of the world lives mostly in urbanized areas. In a later projection for the year 2050 based on assumed population growth and related trends in urbanization, we can see that practically the entire world will be living in urban environments with the only exceptions being a handful of countries in central Africa and small parts of Asia.
Bc. Oleksandra Yevchenko | Kam jdeme. Nová éra města
Bc. Oleksandra Yevchenko | Kam jdeme. Nová éra města
Bc. Oleksandra Yevchenko | Kam jdeme. Nová éra města
Bc. Oleksandra Yevchenko | Kam jdeme. Nová éra města
Bc. Oleksandra Yevchenko | Kam jdeme. Nová éra města