Studio Florián

Roman Shevchuk | FRAME

Roman Shevchuk | FRAME

Man is a creature that can adapt to everything, using our experience and intelligence we have developed and developed our world with great success and we do not stop there. Everything around us becomes like us. The map, the fire, the transmission of information can fit into small devices that we hold in our hands. We are able not to think about our own safety, as it was a few centuries ago, but what was supposed to protect us from heat and cold, from wild animals, is becoming obsolete every day. We are now able to solve much bigger problems than temperature and predators. But our man-made caves remain the same old shield against threats that humans no longer fear.
Why doesn't the architecture adapt, fight the new level of enemies
– an earthquake
- floods
- overpopulation
Why, unlike technology, does architecture not change and improve in relation to our new needs and conditions? Is technological progress bypassing our main shield?
With my project, I want to breathe new life into architecture, to show that it can adapt like living organisms.

2. As a continuation of my project, I will propose a solution to the problems we identified earlier.
In order to avoid the health-threatening consequences of earthquakes, people leave their homes and try to be where there are no tall buildings - they try to move away from the dangerous places of this natural disaster. So why, if we can predict them, can't we move not only people but also everything around from the epicenter of the earthquake. To avoid flooding, people climb to higher floors and roofs. We do not use movement and space in architecture. Why not create a structure in which new natural disasters could be prevented for entire regions and perhaps entire cities.
Of course, one cannot forget such a problem as overpopulation. We try to combat this by increasing the number of floors, creating a concrete jungle and increasing the risk of severe consequences in an earthquake. We are only developing in 2D field, how about using the airspace and seeing the Z axis.
While thinking about these problems, I came across infinite fractals. What if we create something similar, but expands not inward, but outward. What if we create a similar urban structure

3. The last problem we will talk about is the fragility and non-renewability of materials in architecture. Sooner or later, buildings are destroyed and rebuilt from start to finish, unlike organic materials that can heal, gradually change, restore or complete their own body. Just imagine materials that will have the ability to heal their own wounds while remaining just as hard and flexible
XNA - what is it? In the early 2000s, a group of scientists created a series of exotic DNA-like structures. XNA is a synthetic polymer that can carry the same information as DNA, but with different molecular components. This means that after some time, when scientists create enough enisms (genetic systems) compatible directly with the already existing XNA, HNA, CeNA, LNA, ANA, FANA and TNA, we will be able to create real artificial life, but with those characteristics and abilities , which we want. Imagine a brick that can heal its wounds, bend, glow, conduct electricity, grow, evolve and adapt to new conditions, and most importantly evolve. We will be able to create not something from already existing material, but the material itself. In my project, I use exactly this technology so that the urban system I am creating can deal with both external and internal threats on its own.

4. Summarizing all of the above, a structure must be created that can grow like a living organism, move in three dimensions, be able to adapt and evolve from a new independent living material, I present to you the concept of such a structure - "FRAME"
"FRAME" is a fractal ever growing, moving and changing city - it is humanity's new shield against more global threats and an adaptive system to both internal societal problems and external threats. What exactly is "FRAME"? is a 3D grid of artificial organic materials created on the basis of XNA, within which each block, street, district can move along any of the 3 axes x, y and z.
From their "Heart" - a certain factory in the shape of a cube - "couplings" - pipes from the XNA structure with a mechanism that allows movement even after the installation of the whole block in a certain place - will come out in all directions. In addition, “couplings will perform a number of other functions, such as plumbing and electrical wiring. Just imagine being told that there will be a flood or an earthquake at point A, where your house is located, and at the same time you are moving the area you live in to another safer place. If the "connections" are broken or interrupted, the tubes themselves are like the skin closes the "wound" and adapts so that this problem does not happen again. Every day this urban system will grow, which will eliminate the problem of overcrowding. "FRAME" is the architecture of the future - this is truly a new life.
Roman Shevchuk | FRAME
Roman Shevchuk | FRAME
Roman Shevchuk | FRAME
Roman Shevchuk | FRAME
Roman Shevchuk | FRAME
Roman Shevchuk | FRAME
Roman Shevchuk | FRAME