Studio Florián

Jakub Fišera | invading desert

Jakub Fišera | invading desert

Expading deserts and drylands are problem, which affects more and more people. Desertification and movement of sand dunes force to relocate whole human settlements. Climate conditions, are not freindly for any living things. High temperature in the summer, low humidity, differencies between day and temperature made deserts one of the least habbited landscapes in the world. With rapidly growing population it is not wise increase human density in already overpopulated cities, because standard of human lives decreases with this growth.

However it possible to find in drylands an orgranism, which can survive in a count of milions, without leaving their home. Termites are sometimes described as an ultimate architects. Problem is that termites hates direct sunlight, require almost 100 percent humidity, and their suitable temperature is about 20 C. But they survive in a humid conditions, because of sophisticated nest structure.

My project research how the nest condtions are influenced by its architectural composition. This project is not definite solution, its a vision, how humans can enter desert. Proposal is structure which can accomodate settlers, who has been chased out of their homes, and which provides decent living conditions.

My vision is based on three basic features that termites use for living in drylands. Fisrt is air-conditiong system, which provides cold air circulation through the tunnels and shelter in the mass of the structure. Second is termite building algorithm, which provides basic behaivour pattern for swarm robots for mass usage of robots in building industry. Third is usage of local building material (sand) to create living enviroment for whole settlements.
Jakub Fišera | invading desert
Jakub Fišera | invading desert
Jakub Fišera | invading desert
Jakub Fišera | invading desert