Studio Florián

Shohei Nozawa | Vertical city

Shohei Nozawa | Vertical city

It is well known that Japan has one of long working hours in the world. But also japan has one
of longest commute time.For instance in Tokyo it’s avarage is 1 hour and 42 minites. The main rearson is the expensive land price.Comparing to commuter town of Tokyo, it difference mroe than 10 times expensive.Therefore Minato-ku has huge population difference between daytime and nighttime. 80% of people who are working in Minato-ku come from outside of MInato-ku. Therefore huge amount of time are wasted by just commuting from house to work. In Tokyo more than 60% of people are using train to commute so train station is very well distributed. It create transportation network.

The price difference between Minato-ku and commuter town
Before the invention of elevatour, it restrict the height of architecture. In around 1870s by the invention of elevatour, the height of architecture free from ground. By the ad- vance of tehnology, it’s speed increses. The fastest elevatour today has a speed of 20.5m/s. It rise the height of building, price of rent and population dencity in the site.
Genarally, heigher part is more expensive rent than lower part. The reason for that the quality of air / View / Less noise / -No obstacle which block the sun light.
The main idea is that using latest elevatour technology, careating residence over the sky above the site. The elevatours are connecting to the new urban layer above the city. People are using this elevatour as a transportation to commute from up to down to work. It will reduce the commute time.
Shohei Nozawa | Vertical city
Shohei Nozawa | Vertical city